The Other Change of Hobbit stocks thousands more titles than are described on this web site, You can order new releases, new books from our vast shelf stock, and used and rare books from our shelves and our collectors' catalogues. We have been supplying science fiction and fantasy books to customers from Abu Dhabi to Australia for almost a quarter century.
Within the US, we prefer to ship by USPS Priority Mail. We charge $6.00 for postage and handling for the first book, add $1.00 for each additional book. Delivery time is usually two to three working days.
International surface mail postage and handling is $15.00 for any number of books. Delivery time is usually four to eight weeks. International air mail postage and handling quote available upon request -- you can estimate that it will be about as much as the cost of the books. Delivery time is usually one to two weeks.
We accept payment by MasterCard, American Express or VISA. Please be advised that there are security issues associated with sending your card number through the 'Net. You may e-mail it to us if you wish, but it might be safer to phone, fax or snailmail the number and expiration date to us separately. If you request, we will keep your credit card number and expiration date on file, so that you can place additional orders by e-mail at no risk.
We also accept payment via PayPal:
There are four ways to place an order:
![]() | To order by e-mail, send your list of requests to Don't forget to include
your shipping address.
![]() To order by telephone, please call (510) 848-0413 during store hours
to reach a person, or at other times to leave a message on our answering
| ![]() To order by fax, send a fax including the books you want, your MasterCard or Visa number and expiration date, and the address to which you would like the books shipped, to
1-510-848-0406 outside of store hours. During store hours, please check first before sending fax, as we may pick up to voice line.
| ![]() To order by snail mail, send a list of the books you want and their prices, plus a check or money order for the total (including postage and handling, and California sales tax if available), or your MasterCard or Visa number and expiration date. If you are sending a check, please let us know if you would like us to hold the money for books that are out of stock and try to fill the order within 30 days, or issue an immediate refund for any books we can't supply. Once again, don't forget to include a shipping address. | |
The Other Change of Hobbit
email to:
SnailMail: 2020 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704-1117 USA
Voice: 1-510-848-0413
Fax: 1-510-848-0406